Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 89

Not even getting up slightly early for a hot shower and vitamins could prevent me from having an even colder day at work. Angry customers, ill-forgotten paper-work..... I sigh out loud and help the clients where I can. My throat is full of mucus, but I'm still alive.

After class I went home and spent time on eBay, still trying to find a blue oxford since the loser I bought my from almost a week ago apparently must have died because I've yet to receive a response, and he isn't even linked with paypal anymore. The week of my birthday I'm going to Michigan City and I'm buying one at the outlet mall. That's that. So I spend 28 bucks, which isn't even that bad. The hunt for the blue oxford shirt continues. Rediculous.

School was great, more speeches about Republican candidates, and the occasional Obama speech. Politics I just don't get. There's days I hate Obama and am convinced he's the worse president the U.S. has had, and then there are other days where, like today, I look at his ads and am like "Yah, he's a pretty cool cat. I dig this democrat." Politics. Can't live with them, cant live without them.

Spanish came and went, made some new friends, and spent my 2nd to last night in the Spanish lab. Only 40 more minutes are needed in the lab, then I'm done with the lab portion. This semester has gone so fast, I won't even be in school in 4 weeks. Craziness.

Stopped at my Aunt Colleen's house where I retrieved my Burt's Bees, as well as received a bag of Costco truffles, which are like chocolate ecstasy in a golden bag. Stopped at Meijer and bought my favorite fruit... pomegranate. It was on sale, $1.50 each, which is way cheaper than the last one I bought ($2.50). I'll stop at Horrocks tomorrow and pick up more exotic fruits there.

- Meijer's pomegranates. Drooling -

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