Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 88

This morning was worse in the awakening realm. My voice was 3 octaves lower, but my nose was miraculously empty. I'll take it.

Stopped at Family Fare gas station before school, getting gas and a vitamin water to help rain down health on my ghastly throat. On a side note, I really don't like family fare...... the prices in their stores are only good if you buy two of the items, not one. When Meijer has three on sale, Family Fare has two. Grocery wars aside, I went to school and took more notes for my communication class.

Left school and went home all but to change and spend a brief amount of time on MW3. I left and went back to Big Ray's to have them fill my coolant tank and fix the lights. Not even ten minutes, and no charges later, I left, and all the lights in my car went off. It's a miracle. The only thing wrong with my car at this point is that rattling piece of metal below it, which requires a simple yank. With 207,000 miles, I must say this little Saturn has served me well. It's a shame it lacks electric locks and windows.

Cleaned like a hotel maid at work; I mean the duties, not wearing a dress or uniform. Excited to see the new renovations that we're putting in the club. It's exciting. After work I met up with my good friend Steve at Panera to catch up and talk about his new fiance. The last time I got to see Steve was day 3 or 4, and it's documented on this dandy blogger. I told him about where I was in my life, the possibilities of me moving to a different college and even out of the state, and he shared his hopes and worries too. He asked me to serve as his best man in his wedding, which came as a gracious, boomerang of an honor. After defending the slew of choices, he smiled and just asked if I would. I graciously accepted and bought us drinks.

Went home, updated a few things on the web, skyped with Melissa, which I want to say is a good feeling. It's rare when exes can still talk, and in this case especially, it's the first successful time in history exes can be friends. It's like Seinfeld and Elaine. I am still going the single route for awhile, focusing on making myself a better person and who God wants me to be.

Finally, went to Mike's house, and watched the film "Human Centipede 2", which is a black and white frenzy of people being stapled to other peoples butts and pooping. Yes, it's film-making at it's finest, especially when a woman gives birth to a baby in a car and the baby, still attached by the umbilical cord, falls down on the floor and the woman drives away and crushes the baby's head under the pedal. Yes, Spielberg would be proud.

- Another funny Far Side comic -

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