Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 256

Today was a very long day.

I woke up at 4:00AM to open the gym, which I don't mind on occasion. It leaves me with the rest of my dad to do whatever I can! Upon completing my shift, I worked out, than ran some errands with my girlfriend, complete with a quick lunch and kiss.

I returned to work to do another workout with my boss and his wife, called "Insanity". I have never worked so much cardio in my life. My heart began to just stop beating, and it felt like I was in hyper-active breath mode, where I couldn't get winded. I was very sore.

After the workout, and some milling around my house, I returned to my girlfriends house where I enjoyed a great roast beef dinner, her family, and talking and hanging out with her.

We also went to Target, and I was ever more tempted to drop $$ in that riddle red store.

I succeeded in resisting temptation.

- Insanity -