Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 108

Sorry for the delay, a blessed and busy birthday week added with school projects has slowed these updates down...

So Monday..... where was I? Working from 10-2. More renovations taking place, people complaining, (which I'll never understand.... us doing good for them yet they are still ill-content. ) Work was meh.

After work, I went to school where I spent a good hour in my debate class debating over hand warmers. Yes, it was a zanier argument, but my closing statement sold the class. Spanish class came, which is my last Spanish class of the semester!!!

After class I stopped at Meijer, picked up some pomegranate, went home, and Christmas shopped on Ebay for a good hour and a half.

- Sorry for another Far Side, I swear this wont become a calendar -