Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 14


Not the tacky restaurant, but the expression of relief. No school, cooler weather approaching, extended weekend, yes. I do believe in a good T.G.I.F.

Woke up to replenished groceries around the house. Peaches, apples, melons, bacon, all new expansions to the quotidian kitchen equipping. Thanks mother. Life cereal, muskmelon, and juice were my breakfast this morning. Refreshing, it reminded me of Mexico. (I guess any fruit with breakfast remind me of that.)

My devotional this morning was written for me. I was in awe. I can't wait to finish typing this so I can finish reading the piece. Everything that I battle with, that I hide, and that I live with is being dangled in front of me on a stick with this book; it knows me. God's timing is sublime. His adept way of knowing that this book would sit in my closet for five years, and after finally resurrecting it from a dusty shelf, I would need it today. No pressure, just the God of the world focusing on me, reminding me "this is your moment." Add a workout after this and it was sunken in. The cold, heavy metal weighing me down, it was in sync with my new understanding, God was weighing this on me. It is. It's my time. I know what need's to be done.

Cavorting over my four-hour work day, I went out to eat, followed by a Target traipse, and then heading over to see the new Shepard dog, (who hasn't been named yet). He's a puppy. It's guaranteed I have to like him because of that reason, no matter the dog. Chad met up with us and another long merriment of Mario Party was played. Morgan joined in too. I came in 3rd.

- The new Shepard puppy -