Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 90

Dang. The three month mark. Wow. 1/4 of the way there.

I slept in this morning, not going to school. Needed the extra rest to ensure this cold would end in due time. Upon waking up I made myself eggs and finished eating my pomegranate fruit from the previous night. I called eBay customer support while I ate my breakfast, trying to find out if the blue-oxford-seller died or died. I use eBay so much, and this is the first real issue I've had with them. I found my prick in the needle in the haystack.

Went to work at 2:00, where I spent some time cleaning, updating papers, and calling previous clients. I made a huge bowl of orange tomato soup, and not even 5 minutes after starting to eat it, I opened the cash register drawer, forgetting about the location of the soup bowl. What followed was a similar picture of projectile orange vomit that spilled all over my leather chair, my pants, the floor, and made a huge mess in front of three clients. I just laughed, got a mop, and started cleaning.... again.

In the eve, myself, Noah and his date Cassy, and my friend Mitch from work all went to For the Kidz, which is a giant indoor gymnastics and trampoline place. We spent 2 and a half hours there, bouncing, diving into foam pits, and heck, I even finally mastered a flip and was able to jump over a 5 foot padded wall and into the foam, complete with flip. The entire place had a safe and soft bounce to it. One kid there tried to land on this ceiling platform but missed, and he seriously was injured. They had to get ice and fill out a incident report, etc. Afterward we went to Meijer to replenish our bruised and soar joints with more juice and protein shakes. I was so soar upon arriving home. My body ached. I was in immense pain.... so badly that I sat in my shower for about 30 minutes, trying to relieve my aching joints and tendons. Gravity's a booger.

-Security Camera footage from Just for Kidz -

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