Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 3

A day off. I like these days. It's like a mini-holiday, I get to catch up with my life, fill in the cracks, paint the edges, that sort of feeling. I'm truly thankful I'm able to work part-time. I've never been a man who can be married to work.

I don't know want to sit here and tell you I did anything exuberantly exciting, since it was a day off, and I like a good day off to just hang out with myself, whether that's wrestle with my little brother, play video games, work out, or clean out my itunes library. All of these are just great feelings. It's like hitting a refresh button on your life. Actually, it was the first day I've worked out in awhile. I've fallen behind on that routine. There's something about it that feels good, in the sense that you're able to vent and burn off stress without really feeling it. Some men prefer to drink, others may scream into a wad of cotton, or feel the need to brawl, but I've always been in the category of exhaling emotion through working out. It works.

Tonight I got to have dinner with a great friend of mine, Steve Moerdyk. Steve and I have been great friends since high school, particularly junior year of high school and beyond. We worked on landscaping jobs together, took several of the same classes in high school, and then continued to enjoy the good life through college. We sat over plates of orange chicken tonight and just caught up with each other, and filled in the cracks and painted the edges of our own lives with each other. I'm very blessed to have someone I can look up to and heed, and Steve has done a knockout job at being that friend for me. Time is still moving forward with that.

- Steve Moerdyk-

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