Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 2

Slept in. I needed it. Bad. Thankfully I woke up just in time to realize there was a Sunday dinner at grandma's that was waiting for me.

My grandma made a great meal. Grade A food all around. It's one of those meals where you don't even realize what you are eating; there's such a combination of food in everything. I think one of the options was a shell with bacon turkey and ham wrapped in it that was blanketed by a mixture of cheese sauces. I honestly don't know, and I care not to. It ruins the appreciation. Good dinner, good time spent with my grandparents and my sister.

I went and saw the film "the Tree of Life". wow. I have never seen a movie like this before. It's a non-narrative film, meaning it just branches off (no pun intended) into log segments of shots of nature, the sky, earth, animals; all of which pertain to life, how beautiful we have the capacity to be, and how easily we can be tainted. The whole time I was just constantly thinking about my life, to the point where I realized I wasn't even watching the movie, but just thinking. It was like a cinematic psychiatrist. The ending showcases what Heaven may look like for the person who may not get there, and it Go see it. It was $4.00.

Finished off the night at T.G.I. Friday's, a franchised restaurant that puts the "thank God" in the leaving of the establishment, not the entry. Met with one of my best friends Melissa, and her sister Mandy and friend Kelsey. We talked, caught up, all while I couldn't stop thinking about the Tree of Life. Just couldn't grasp the idea that free will is actually free. No government agency, no pope, no business can tax or refund that. It's free. It's free will. Thank you God.

-Tree of Life Poster-

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