Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 169

This sunny weather has me thinking that
A.) Meteorologists suck, and will never trump mother nature.
B.) Al Gore is right.
C.) Groundhog day is a scam.

I won't complain though, having 40 degree and no snow weather for almost two weeks is awesome.

This morning I had to skype a work meeting, followed by putting things up for sale on eBay. I also cleaned my room, and did what tasks I needed for the day. The bulk of the day was spent watching more "Lost" on Netflix, something that over the last two weeks, I've begun to really dig. Around 4:30, I left for the movies to meet my friend and a fellow film fanatic Stephen. We saw the film "Shame", which is a rough, gritty, NC-17 ride through a sexual addict's life. It was very well done, and a good film, just hard and awkward to watch.

After the film I picked up some Quiznos, stopped into work, ate my Quizno's, brought Melissa some chili, then left for my assistant manager's house. Ashley had some of her friends over as well as her husband's, and we played poker. I lost horribly, but it was pocket change. Only two dollars. I need to know how to play better.....

Finally, the night wouldn't be complete without stopping off downtown at Jill's apartment, to meet my friends Mike and Gideon in her 5th story loft apartment. We played a game called "Quelf", which is a great  game, might have to buy this...

- Quelf!-

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