Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 138

I've come to enjoy sleeping in. It has been a huge aid in helping this cold deteriorate in me. It also gives me a morning to relax and enjoy the little things.

Having said that, after my own little morning of a break, I had lunch with my friend Jordan. We went up to Ming Ten for some Chinese, and stayed there a good hour. (I can never get sick of Chinese food). After the food spree, we went to Plato's Closet, in the hopes I could find one more pair of jeans. I did, but I didn't buy them yet. I'll wait to sell some clothes and then if they're still there, trade time.

Jordan then picked us up Starbucks, and we went back to her house, and just hung out and talked until I had to go to work. In her room, which is literally like a studio apartment and I'm jealous, is a giant Rorschach painting. I was amazed at how each person will see different things in the art. She and I saw completely different things, and it amazed me how even some are subject to different colors vs. other colors. Left her house, ran to Meijer to get some eggs for her dad's birthday cake, then went on my way to work. Got to work, worked, and was surprised by Melissa who brought me my favorite soup, complete with bread bowl and cilantro. I was very thankful and it made my night.

After work, I went to Mike's, where we played 3 hours of survival missions on COD. Yah....

- Rorschach Painting in Jordan's Room
* Top to bottom, going right, I see a Motorcycle Driver, Wasp, Lady Gaga, A Chinese Birthday Cake, Two Eskimos Racing on Small Horses, Two Unicorns having a bloody battle, 4 Guys wearing Gasmaks while playing Rock Em-Sock Em Robots, And a guy at the beach at night.

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