I just can't do this anymore. It was a good run.
Thank you for all of your time in reading this. I'll have 5 months to look back on and remember the people, the memories, and the pictures.
I've already found inspiration and more...
maybe I'll update this from time to time with something exciting. Yes... rather than do every boring day, maybe an extra special day...
Thanks to you readers! Much love in the future. Feel free to check back for updates!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Day 154
Melissa is back from Ireland! Well, she got back last night, but family and rest needed her first..
Another really busy school day, complete with a lunch break at my grandma's, where I enjoyed some amazing chili. Hung out with my grandparents and mom for a bit, then went back to school, for more classes on vision and culture, globalization, and another hour dinner break, which left me ample time to move my car on the other side of campus, and get some McDonalds.
Once Spanish class finished, I drove home, and met Melissa at my house, where we hung out, watched "Lost" (not a bad show), and I was able to have one of my best friends back. : )
- Forgot to take a picture of us.... Far Side! lol )
Another really busy school day, complete with a lunch break at my grandma's, where I enjoyed some amazing chili. Hung out with my grandparents and mom for a bit, then went back to school, for more classes on vision and culture, globalization, and another hour dinner break, which left me ample time to move my car on the other side of campus, and get some McDonalds.
Once Spanish class finished, I drove home, and met Melissa at my house, where we hung out, watched "Lost" (not a bad show), and I was able to have one of my best friends back. : )
- Forgot to take a picture of us.... Far Side! lol )
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Day 153
Today was crazy. Lots of people.
First was work..... good to be back after a five day vacation. It would have been shorter, but missing keys prohibit a man from going to work. When I got out of work, the fun began...
I finished my shift and first got to grab lunch with my friend Olivia, who I thought has been dead for a year (not really, I just haven't heard from her in forever). We caught up with lunch at Q'doba, then went back to her house and I hung out with her and her mother for a bit. Once I left there, I drove over to Plato's Closet to kill some time with Jordan just before my other dinner date with Steve and Marie. Once 5:30 hit, I met Steve and Marie and Marie's friend Danielle and we all enjoyed some Akita Chinese food.
Great time with good people.
After that I decided to return after the day away from my house. I saw War Horse. I made popcorn. And then I went and hung out with my friend Ashley, who I also thought was dead (I kid), and caught up with her. It was a day of seeing old friends!
- Forgot to take a picture.... again.... Far Side! -
First was work..... good to be back after a five day vacation. It would have been shorter, but missing keys prohibit a man from going to work. When I got out of work, the fun began...
I finished my shift and first got to grab lunch with my friend Olivia, who I thought has been dead for a year (not really, I just haven't heard from her in forever). We caught up with lunch at Q'doba, then went back to her house and I hung out with her and her mother for a bit. Once I left there, I drove over to Plato's Closet to kill some time with Jordan just before my other dinner date with Steve and Marie. Once 5:30 hit, I met Steve and Marie and Marie's friend Danielle and we all enjoyed some Akita Chinese food.
Great time with good people.
After that I decided to return after the day away from my house. I saw War Horse. I made popcorn. And then I went and hung out with my friend Ashley, who I also thought was dead (I kid), and caught up with her. It was a day of seeing old friends!
- Forgot to take a picture.... again.... Far Side! -
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Day 152
Ugh..... as if yesterday wasn't a battle enough, today would be more intense...
It was warm this morning... very warm, so I wore a light jacket and a sweater. That is all I needed. Absolutely great outside. By the time I got to school though, things had changed. The wind picked up, hail beads turned into freezing rain and sleet. I began to freeze. Walking to class hurt. My eyes wouldn't stay open.
After class I left for food, and went to the McDonalds on Baldwin, where I typed out the first part of my series. After my calorie infested lunch, I returned to GVSU, only to find more ice and snow. I stayed there the whole night. Com, Com, and Spanish. My vision and culture class was amazed at my memorization skills when I was shown an image for .5 seconds, and then was able to recall everything on the image. (I still can right now too). Shortly before Spanish, my toe began swelling and hurting, due to a tear near the corner of the nail slot. It hurt so bad I limped the rest of the night.
To add to this battle of a day, driving home, I began to slide on us, approaching an intersection, Filmore to be exact. "This is it", I thought. I wont die, but if someone hits me, its lights out. Hospital food will be on my menu this next week. In a panic, and due to oncoming traffic, I chose the ditch. Remarkably, as if guided or spun by some supernatural spiritual God-hand, my car hit the embankment, spun around, and stopped, not even going in the ditch. I sat there for about 30 seconds as cars passed me and stared at me, wondering if I was ok. I waited, exhaled for what felt like ten seconds, and then turned again on the road, counting my blessings.... I still don't know how I was able to drive back up on the road, and how I avoided three cars.... again, I count my blessings.
The night fiascos didn't end there. When I got home, our water pressure tank died. This resulted in no water. None. Nada. Our house is dry. I geared up again and went out to Meijer to buy several gallons of water to last until the plumbers can fix our machinery, which will take until tomorrow night....
Where's my bed.....
- Unneccessary graffiti in the mens stall at GVSU, Lake Superior Hall -
It was warm this morning... very warm, so I wore a light jacket and a sweater. That is all I needed. Absolutely great outside. By the time I got to school though, things had changed. The wind picked up, hail beads turned into freezing rain and sleet. I began to freeze. Walking to class hurt. My eyes wouldn't stay open.
After class I left for food, and went to the McDonalds on Baldwin, where I typed out the first part of my series. After my calorie infested lunch, I returned to GVSU, only to find more ice and snow. I stayed there the whole night. Com, Com, and Spanish. My vision and culture class was amazed at my memorization skills when I was shown an image for .5 seconds, and then was able to recall everything on the image. (I still can right now too). Shortly before Spanish, my toe began swelling and hurting, due to a tear near the corner of the nail slot. It hurt so bad I limped the rest of the night.
To add to this battle of a day, driving home, I began to slide on us, approaching an intersection, Filmore to be exact. "This is it", I thought. I wont die, but if someone hits me, its lights out. Hospital food will be on my menu this next week. In a panic, and due to oncoming traffic, I chose the ditch. Remarkably, as if guided or spun by some supernatural spiritual God-hand, my car hit the embankment, spun around, and stopped, not even going in the ditch. I sat there for about 30 seconds as cars passed me and stared at me, wondering if I was ok. I waited, exhaled for what felt like ten seconds, and then turned again on the road, counting my blessings.... I still don't know how I was able to drive back up on the road, and how I avoided three cars.... again, I count my blessings.
The night fiascos didn't end there. When I got home, our water pressure tank died. This resulted in no water. None. Nada. Our house is dry. I geared up again and went out to Meijer to buy several gallons of water to last until the plumbers can fix our machinery, which will take until tomorrow night....
Where's my bed.....
- Unneccessary graffiti in the mens stall at GVSU, Lake Superior Hall -
Monday, January 16, 2012
Day 151
The nightmare ends today...
I woke up and continued in what turned out to be a two-hour search not just for my keys, but my spare key. Closets, shelves, desks, furniture, and more was ransacked and over-turned as I desperately begged for a key to turn up.
Nothing.... I called the Todd Wenzel dealership, called my grandpa, had him pick me up, and took my title and set out for new keys. (I still wonder where they are.... because at this point in time, as I write this, they are still gone). Someone took them... or God did. One of the two. The snow even melted today, and I walked up and down my driveway, but still no sign. Farewell keys.... your lanyard said "Go State" but you clearly followed another order... "Go to Heaven". See you again someday...
So my grandpa drops me off at Jordan's house, where my car is still sitting. Jordan took me out to Todd Wenzel and I paid the small amount (33 dollars) for a new key, as well as an extra three bucks for a spare key. We stopped at Arby's on the way back and I bought her lunch, as a way to say "Hey, sorry I got you dragged into this... can you drive me everywhere today." After Arby's, I slid the new shiny metal into my keyhole and Bam! My car was resurrected from its cold, dead, stationary state.
I drove home and relaxed for a little bit, and even watched some Batman with my brother. Shortly after, I got in my car and drove out to visit my good friends Dan, Steve, and Silvia at their house. We hung out, ate some dinner, watched "Super 8" on the new 65 inch HDTV complemented with surround sound, and talked film business.... well, not just talked, planned, and started working again.
Drama Class has officially begun pre-production!
- Todd Wenzel must sell to the Secret Service -
I woke up and continued in what turned out to be a two-hour search not just for my keys, but my spare key. Closets, shelves, desks, furniture, and more was ransacked and over-turned as I desperately begged for a key to turn up.
Nothing.... I called the Todd Wenzel dealership, called my grandpa, had him pick me up, and took my title and set out for new keys. (I still wonder where they are.... because at this point in time, as I write this, they are still gone). Someone took them... or God did. One of the two. The snow even melted today, and I walked up and down my driveway, but still no sign. Farewell keys.... your lanyard said "Go State" but you clearly followed another order... "Go to Heaven". See you again someday...
So my grandpa drops me off at Jordan's house, where my car is still sitting. Jordan took me out to Todd Wenzel and I paid the small amount (33 dollars) for a new key, as well as an extra three bucks for a spare key. We stopped at Arby's on the way back and I bought her lunch, as a way to say "Hey, sorry I got you dragged into this... can you drive me everywhere today." After Arby's, I slid the new shiny metal into my keyhole and Bam! My car was resurrected from its cold, dead, stationary state.
I drove home and relaxed for a little bit, and even watched some Batman with my brother. Shortly after, I got in my car and drove out to visit my good friends Dan, Steve, and Silvia at their house. We hung out, ate some dinner, watched "Super 8" on the new 65 inch HDTV complemented with surround sound, and talked film business.... well, not just talked, planned, and started working again.
Drama Class has officially begun pre-production!
- Todd Wenzel must sell to the Secret Service -
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Day 150
Today was such a busy day, by busy, I mean fun.
What started as a rocky start to my Sunday soon melted it's way as a great time of fellowship and well, goodness.
I drove myself to Church and sat next to Chad. After a great service about honesty, gossip, and my personal weakness, manipulation, Jordan, Chad and I went out to eat at Bagger Dave's. Mike was our waiter, and the three of us ordered custom burgers. I got three beef patties on mine, as well as the Artichoke Sauce and green olives.
After dinner, I went back to Jordan's house, where her and I drove back to my house with her brother and the trailer and the quad. Yes, winter snow, means winter driving! Taking a 4 wheeler out into the ten acres that surrounds my house was a perfect way to add adrenaline my afternoon. Jordan and I rode around for a good thirty minutes, and then pulled Ethan behind us on a sled. We then went inside, had some hot chocolate, and then hung out in my room, until Mike, Chad, and Sam joined us. Then all of us suited up (some more suited then others, but thankfully we have ample space and extras in our closets) and we all went sledding and riding on the quad. I wanted to get some pictures, but the cold wind, snow and wet air flying into our frozen faces may have ruined my new phone, so I got a different picture instead.
Coldness won the better of our time, but not after plenty of sled wipe-outs and whiplashes (there were 3 sleds being towed). We went in and played monopoly before leaving for Applebees for some late night appetizers. After we left, my car, which was at Jordan's the whole day, needs keys. And after an hour of searching, my keys are gone. Yes, there is nothing more frustrating than having a 3,000 pound slab of metal be stuck because you are missing .3 oz of another slab of metal. I called my boss and informed him of my dilemma, but it's gone. My keys are gone. I will get up super early tomorrow and try to look again. Paying a dealership bundles of cash for a replacement key is not in the Derek-Budget right now. FML. Seriously.... FML. Those damn keys have evaporated.... I remember where I had them last, and put them in my pocket, but they are gone. The heavens have called them up.....
..... Seriously, I'm so frustrated......
- Monopoly in my room, after a cold outdoor adventure -
What started as a rocky start to my Sunday soon melted it's way as a great time of fellowship and well, goodness.
I drove myself to Church and sat next to Chad. After a great service about honesty, gossip, and my personal weakness, manipulation, Jordan, Chad and I went out to eat at Bagger Dave's. Mike was our waiter, and the three of us ordered custom burgers. I got three beef patties on mine, as well as the Artichoke Sauce and green olives.
After dinner, I went back to Jordan's house, where her and I drove back to my house with her brother and the trailer and the quad. Yes, winter snow, means winter driving! Taking a 4 wheeler out into the ten acres that surrounds my house was a perfect way to add adrenaline my afternoon. Jordan and I rode around for a good thirty minutes, and then pulled Ethan behind us on a sled. We then went inside, had some hot chocolate, and then hung out in my room, until Mike, Chad, and Sam joined us. Then all of us suited up (some more suited then others, but thankfully we have ample space and extras in our closets) and we all went sledding and riding on the quad. I wanted to get some pictures, but the cold wind, snow and wet air flying into our frozen faces may have ruined my new phone, so I got a different picture instead.
Coldness won the better of our time, but not after plenty of sled wipe-outs and whiplashes (there were 3 sleds being towed). We went in and played monopoly before leaving for Applebees for some late night appetizers. After we left, my car, which was at Jordan's the whole day, needs keys. And after an hour of searching, my keys are gone. Yes, there is nothing more frustrating than having a 3,000 pound slab of metal be stuck because you are missing .3 oz of another slab of metal. I called my boss and informed him of my dilemma, but it's gone. My keys are gone. I will get up super early tomorrow and try to look again. Paying a dealership bundles of cash for a replacement key is not in the Derek-Budget right now. FML. Seriously.... FML. Those damn keys have evaporated.... I remember where I had them last, and put them in my pocket, but they are gone. The heavens have called them up.....
..... Seriously, I'm so frustrated......
- Monopoly in my room, after a cold outdoor adventure -
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Day 149
Today is Saturday
We have been dumped on with still more snow.
I cleaned my room partially, but needed to still escape the feeling of being trapped behind snow.
So I went to Mike's. I brought my laptop, ordered Jimmy John's, and we did a research / hunt day. Jobs, sales, houses, news, anything that might add to our lives. We wouldn't mind finding another 2nd job, so we spent time on our laptops doing just that.
At 3:00, we left to go see the film "Take Shelter", which I give an A for acting but a C for a story. It was just a boring story. Film nuts would argue with me, but I did not care for it. Meh.
We returned to Mike's house, where some COD with him was done, but only for an hour.
Ended the night by hitting up the casino with Chad..... we both lost... Gun Lake is a scam. I was never even ahead at a point.... and I'm confident I saw an employee guarding a slot machine, only to offer it to a man, who then won 100 dollars.... something's up. I'm done. No more casino.... No more....
- Take Shelter -
We have been dumped on with still more snow.
I cleaned my room partially, but needed to still escape the feeling of being trapped behind snow.
So I went to Mike's. I brought my laptop, ordered Jimmy John's, and we did a research / hunt day. Jobs, sales, houses, news, anything that might add to our lives. We wouldn't mind finding another 2nd job, so we spent time on our laptops doing just that.
At 3:00, we left to go see the film "Take Shelter", which I give an A for acting but a C for a story. It was just a boring story. Film nuts would argue with me, but I did not care for it. Meh.
We returned to Mike's house, where some COD with him was done, but only for an hour.
Ended the night by hitting up the casino with Chad..... we both lost... Gun Lake is a scam. I was never even ahead at a point.... and I'm confident I saw an employee guarding a slot machine, only to offer it to a man, who then won 100 dollars.... something's up. I'm done. No more casino.... No more....
- Take Shelter -
Friday, January 13, 2012
Day 148
I have to admit the first week of school went by so fast, but that's probably because I only have classes on two days of the week.
The storm dumped a lot of snow around me, and I had to help move my sister's, boyfriend's car out of the ditch at our house. We have a notorious driveway that becomes more slippery than a politician. After some salt and some pushing, the car was out. I had to work today from 2-6, which went by fast as well. Had a meeting with my boss, and shared some new ideas for the club. I'm excited for what's down the road....
After work the fun began. I went home and played COD (sue me) for a little bit. After that, Ryan had a birthday, which me there was fun to behad. We all went to Jake's Hotel and had a ball. $1.00 miller lites, karaoke, pool, and a much more chill environment. Downtown GR has so many bars where it's a "sex in the city" esque joint; a place of my car is bigger than your car, or my wallet is bigger than yours.... Not every bar downtown is like that, but I feel some nights that crowd of "my dick is bigger than your dick" or "look at my Prada!!" seems to gather. Jake's was much more chill. I got to see several people I haven't seen in awhile from my high school years, plus meet up with Chad, Caleb, Jordan, Ryan, his girlfriend, Phil, and Pat. We had some drinks, talked, everyone kind of hung out, and my personal highlight of the night was Chad doing karaoke. He sang "Doing the mess around", an oldies song, probably heard in the film "planes, trains, and automobiles". He had some dancers join him, and that my friends is a good bar.
After wards a select few went back to my house, where more snow covered roads, late hours, and icy conditions put some of our casino plans on hold. Looks like Saturday night is the ticket!
- Chad doing karaoke -
The storm dumped a lot of snow around me, and I had to help move my sister's, boyfriend's car out of the ditch at our house. We have a notorious driveway that becomes more slippery than a politician. After some salt and some pushing, the car was out. I had to work today from 2-6, which went by fast as well. Had a meeting with my boss, and shared some new ideas for the club. I'm excited for what's down the road....
After work the fun began. I went home and played COD (sue me) for a little bit. After that, Ryan had a birthday, which me there was fun to behad. We all went to Jake's Hotel and had a ball. $1.00 miller lites, karaoke, pool, and a much more chill environment. Downtown GR has so many bars where it's a "sex in the city" esque joint; a place of my car is bigger than your car, or my wallet is bigger than yours.... Not every bar downtown is like that, but I feel some nights that crowd of "my dick is bigger than your dick" or "look at my Prada!!" seems to gather. Jake's was much more chill. I got to see several people I haven't seen in awhile from my high school years, plus meet up with Chad, Caleb, Jordan, Ryan, his girlfriend, Phil, and Pat. We had some drinks, talked, everyone kind of hung out, and my personal highlight of the night was Chad doing karaoke. He sang "Doing the mess around", an oldies song, probably heard in the film "planes, trains, and automobiles". He had some dancers join him, and that my friends is a good bar.
After wards a select few went back to my house, where more snow covered roads, late hours, and icy conditions put some of our casino plans on hold. Looks like Saturday night is the ticket!
- Chad doing karaoke -
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Day 147
Not another school day.....
yes, this was an all day, 11:30AM until 7:40 ordeal. I took my lunch break at Mcdonalds, checked the news, ran to the mall to pick up a gift, ran back to school, did two more classes, ate dinner, and then went to Spanish.
I wish this was longer, but it twas a short day.
To top it, the roads were horrible due to our first winter storm, so it took me a solid 45 minutes to get home from GVSU. My film plans fell through with Dan & Steve, but that will happen next week. Made it home and.... I'd prefer not to say. It rhymes with sod.
- Winter Storm (not taken by me) -
yes, this was an all day, 11:30AM until 7:40 ordeal. I took my lunch break at Mcdonalds, checked the news, ran to the mall to pick up a gift, ran back to school, did two more classes, ate dinner, and then went to Spanish.
I wish this was longer, but it twas a short day.
To top it, the roads were horrible due to our first winter storm, so it took me a solid 45 minutes to get home from GVSU. My film plans fell through with Dan & Steve, but that will happen next week. Made it home and.... I'd prefer not to say. It rhymes with sod.
- Winter Storm (not taken by me) -
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Day 146
The days just keep coming.... 146.... man, I can't tell if this makes time fly or if it makes me feel stupid for doing the same things on so many days...
I woke up and..... you guessed it: COD. This was only for a mere thirty minutes. After a few rounds, I got dressed and met my friend Katie for coffee at Bigby's. She's been in Florida since August, and even before that, we really haven't talked or spoken (my fault). It was good to catch up and see a friendly face. After coffee, we walked next door to Jimmy John's, where we hung out and ate until I had to leave for work.
Work came, and it was a good day. Stayed busy, cleaned machines, signed a guy, and learned first-hand from my boss how to do even better with sales and my dialogue. I'm a fast talker, and this is something that, while great for displaying energy, happiness, and overall positivity, it can seem shiesty when you're dealing with people, particularly older folk.
After work I met my friend Jordan at Costco for some dinner. While there, Noah and Alana both called me and begged me to go clubbing with them, which I kept attesting to with "no's". I sat in my car with Jordan and listened to a barrage of begs and pleases until I finally thought "why not?". I said I'd go. So I run home, change my clothes, (probably overdressed for Club Sixx), then went on my way to meet at Noah's. Jordan and I left with Noah, and we stopped at Alana's, where we hung out for awhile with her room-mate before leaving. Once at the club door, Jordan left her I.D., and only have a printed out copy of an identification card from Texas, which the bouncer didn't let fly. The girls dropped me and Noah off and told us they'd pick us up. Noah and I walked in, and were two of 40 people in there. It was dead. No one on the dance floor, people just standing around, couches wide open, it was like an open house. We finally met up with more of Noah's friends, talked, and ended up dancing, but Jordan disappeared due to a birth at the hospital (not her's).
Not a successful night there, but hey, if I say so myself, I looked gooooood. No conceit.
- Katie & I, Jimmy John's -
I woke up and..... you guessed it: COD. This was only for a mere thirty minutes. After a few rounds, I got dressed and met my friend Katie for coffee at Bigby's. She's been in Florida since August, and even before that, we really haven't talked or spoken (my fault). It was good to catch up and see a friendly face. After coffee, we walked next door to Jimmy John's, where we hung out and ate until I had to leave for work.
Work came, and it was a good day. Stayed busy, cleaned machines, signed a guy, and learned first-hand from my boss how to do even better with sales and my dialogue. I'm a fast talker, and this is something that, while great for displaying energy, happiness, and overall positivity, it can seem shiesty when you're dealing with people, particularly older folk.
After work I met my friend Jordan at Costco for some dinner. While there, Noah and Alana both called me and begged me to go clubbing with them, which I kept attesting to with "no's". I sat in my car with Jordan and listened to a barrage of begs and pleases until I finally thought "why not?". I said I'd go. So I run home, change my clothes, (probably overdressed for Club Sixx), then went on my way to meet at Noah's. Jordan and I left with Noah, and we stopped at Alana's, where we hung out for awhile with her room-mate before leaving. Once at the club door, Jordan left her I.D., and only have a printed out copy of an identification card from Texas, which the bouncer didn't let fly. The girls dropped me and Noah off and told us they'd pick us up. Noah and I walked in, and were two of 40 people in there. It was dead. No one on the dance floor, people just standing around, couches wide open, it was like an open house. We finally met up with more of Noah's friends, talked, and ended up dancing, but Jordan disappeared due to a birth at the hospital (not her's).
Not a successful night there, but hey, if I say so myself, I looked gooooood. No conceit.
- Katie & I, Jimmy John's -
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day 145
First day back of classes!
I got up an extra two hours early to ensure my school day would be ready, which of course,it was. I didn' t purchase any textbooks, only because I wait to see if I really need them, which in this case, I don't. More $$ saved.
I got out to GVSU and sprinted what felt like a mile because I thought the campus safety office was near me, but it wasn't. I had to buy a parking permit, and on top of that, I didn't know it's free to part at campus safety. Oh well, it was a beautiful 48 degrees out, and a little sweat and running never hurt, though I've realized that Sperry's are not designed for running.
First class is awesome, only because the room and chairs are spinning and reclining chairs, and the teacher is so chill and laid back. I love it. After that, I had a two hour break, so I met my friend Chad for lunch at Bran's Steakhouse. We did the all you can eat soup, salad, and rolls deal for only 5.99! Lobster bisque was my evil desire.
I then returned back to campus, and went into my vision and culture class, which is cool. The prof. is a female version of Robert Downey Jr. She is witty, fast, and very energetic. After that, I returned to a class I had with a prof. last year, who is also chill, laid back, and has such dry humor, it makes me laugh.
After that class, I made a new friend..... Taylor. He's a sweet guy, works at HopCat. We had dinner together in Kirkhof, and talked about life, girls, and religion. He left, I finished my subway, and then I went to my Spanish 102 class. Yay more Spanish!
Left the campus after a long day at 7:30, stopped off at my aunt's to catch up with her and just see where I am in my life. She encouraged me to travel this summer, go to Europe, Japan, wherever. I've decided to do just that. I'll keep everyone posted.
Made it home for some late night COD and The Simpsons.
- Mr. Burns -
I got up an extra two hours early to ensure my school day would be ready, which of course,it was. I didn' t purchase any textbooks, only because I wait to see if I really need them, which in this case, I don't. More $$ saved.
I got out to GVSU and sprinted what felt like a mile because I thought the campus safety office was near me, but it wasn't. I had to buy a parking permit, and on top of that, I didn't know it's free to part at campus safety. Oh well, it was a beautiful 48 degrees out, and a little sweat and running never hurt, though I've realized that Sperry's are not designed for running.
First class is awesome, only because the room and chairs are spinning and reclining chairs, and the teacher is so chill and laid back. I love it. After that, I had a two hour break, so I met my friend Chad for lunch at Bran's Steakhouse. We did the all you can eat soup, salad, and rolls deal for only 5.99! Lobster bisque was my evil desire.
I then returned back to campus, and went into my vision and culture class, which is cool. The prof. is a female version of Robert Downey Jr. She is witty, fast, and very energetic. After that, I returned to a class I had with a prof. last year, who is also chill, laid back, and has such dry humor, it makes me laugh.
After that class, I made a new friend..... Taylor. He's a sweet guy, works at HopCat. We had dinner together in Kirkhof, and talked about life, girls, and religion. He left, I finished my subway, and then I went to my Spanish 102 class. Yay more Spanish!
Left the campus after a long day at 7:30, stopped off at my aunt's to catch up with her and just see where I am in my life. She encouraged me to travel this summer, go to Europe, Japan, wherever. I've decided to do just that. I'll keep everyone posted.
Made it home for some late night COD and The Simpsons.
- Mr. Burns -
Monday, January 9, 2012
Day 144
Early early start to this morning. I decided to stay the night at Mike's house but I just couldn't get comfy sleeping. At 4:00AM, I got up and decided to just go home, and give my bed a shot.
I did, and I slept, all the way until 11:30.
Woke up, hung out, showered, COD'd, and then took a drive up to Alpine to the only remaining Pep Boys in Grand Rapids. Dropped off my car for an oil change, and was told it would take thirty minutes. Therefore, I walked up the road through many parking lots to Wal-Mart, followed by lunch at McDonalds. After lunch, picked up my car, used my giftcard for the oil change (thanks Grandma Diane and Grandpa Bob), and I was on my way.
Made it home, changed, and went to work, where I spent some of the night filing, some of the night giving tours, and the ladder of the night working out, once my shift was done.
I went home and seriously ingested protein, from powder, raw eggs, milk, vanilla chai, and a huge salad. Watched "Goodfellas" which I fell in love with. Best gangster movie I've seen.
- Me at work
I did, and I slept, all the way until 11:30.
Woke up, hung out, showered, COD'd, and then took a drive up to Alpine to the only remaining Pep Boys in Grand Rapids. Dropped off my car for an oil change, and was told it would take thirty minutes. Therefore, I walked up the road through many parking lots to Wal-Mart, followed by lunch at McDonalds. After lunch, picked up my car, used my giftcard for the oil change (thanks Grandma Diane and Grandpa Bob), and I was on my way.
Made it home, changed, and went to work, where I spent some of the night filing, some of the night giving tours, and the ladder of the night working out, once my shift was done.
I went home and seriously ingested protein, from powder, raw eggs, milk, vanilla chai, and a huge salad. Watched "Goodfellas" which I fell in love with. Best gangster movie I've seen.
- Me at work
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Day 143
It feels like I haven't been to church in forever. Actually, I haven't. Last Sunday I was working, the Sunday before was Christmas, and the Sunday before that I was out of town for a family Christmas.... plus.... I might have even worked the Sunday before that as well. Man....well I'm thankful I was able to go again this Sunday.
Good service, everyone was there, including Jordan and her family. After the service, Chad, Sam, Jordan and I all went out and grabbed more Chinese at Akita Buffet. I could eat Chinese food every day. I ordered a beer with my meal, which is something I've never done, only because the refills at Akita sometimes don't come.
After the meal, Chad dropped me and Jordan off at her house, and then me and her decided to hit up the Woodland Mall area, as well as Plato's Closet. I ended up buying the film "Goodfellas" on blu ray for only 4 bucks, which is almost a steal for the acclaim that movie has been given. We stopped at Best Buy, and I also picked up a copy of the 14th season of The Simpsons..... man, The Simpsons is as old as me, when will that show end.
Her and I went back to my house, watched some "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", where Mike joined us. Then we met up with Chad, Sam, and Caleb, and watched the film "Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy" at Celebration Cinema. The film was okay, the pacing was much slower for my personal taste. After the film, we all went to Steak and Shake, and I enjoyed the guacamole burger.
Add some more COD at midnight at Mike's house, and that my friends, was a busy Sunday.
- Us after we "broke in" to Santa's workshop at Rivertown Mall -
Good service, everyone was there, including Jordan and her family. After the service, Chad, Sam, Jordan and I all went out and grabbed more Chinese at Akita Buffet. I could eat Chinese food every day. I ordered a beer with my meal, which is something I've never done, only because the refills at Akita sometimes don't come.
After the meal, Chad dropped me and Jordan off at her house, and then me and her decided to hit up the Woodland Mall area, as well as Plato's Closet. I ended up buying the film "Goodfellas" on blu ray for only 4 bucks, which is almost a steal for the acclaim that movie has been given. We stopped at Best Buy, and I also picked up a copy of the 14th season of The Simpsons..... man, The Simpsons is as old as me, when will that show end.
Her and I went back to my house, watched some "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", where Mike joined us. Then we met up with Chad, Sam, and Caleb, and watched the film "Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy" at Celebration Cinema. The film was okay, the pacing was much slower for my personal taste. After the film, we all went to Steak and Shake, and I enjoyed the guacamole burger.
Add some more COD at midnight at Mike's house, and that my friends, was a busy Sunday.
- Us after we "broke in" to Santa's workshop at Rivertown Mall -
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Day 142
Not a whole lot exciting today. The cold I had is finally gone, and it's another warm day..... almost 50 degrees. Shocking for a January Saturday.
I slept in a good portion of the morning, which only gave myself two hours to hang out before I had to be at work. I picked up a 15 inch sub at Boardwalk Subs, which was plenty filling. After my lunch, I went into work, and put in the typical 6 hour Saturday shift. I did some extreme painting, which left my hands and arms looking "nice."
After work, I went to Q'doba, grabbed some dinner, then went to Mike's, where I played COD with him for a solid 3 hours.
This was my Saturday.
- COD -
I slept in a good portion of the morning, which only gave myself two hours to hang out before I had to be at work. I picked up a 15 inch sub at Boardwalk Subs, which was plenty filling. After my lunch, I went into work, and put in the typical 6 hour Saturday shift. I did some extreme painting, which left my hands and arms looking "nice."
After work, I went to Q'doba, grabbed some dinner, then went to Mike's, where I played COD with him for a solid 3 hours.
This was my Saturday.
- COD -
Friday, January 6, 2012
Day 141
My stomach is slightly soar and tight from the previous day's ab work out.... this is a good thing.... but ugh..... ughh... That's all. Ugh.
I did a lot this morning, accomplished a great deal. I got my worksheet for my major out and updated the classes I had, classes I will be taking, and did the math, and with one summer class, I'll graduate on time. I'm happy and very thankful, if not blessed, that everything has worked out with this. My last schedule was more choppy as well, but the classes I am in now are alligned perfectly and I don't even have to start class until 11:30AM. Sleep0in time is guaranteed.
Shelby cut my hair right after lunch, and I'm pleased. Just so sick of washing through what felt like a mop. Kudos to women and their hair. Mike called and wanted to do some COD, and I say to that, why not? After an hour or two of bullet-storming, I cleaned my room and re-arranged it only slightly, making more room available. I can't wait to move out... I've begun looking for room-mate ads rather than find a place to myself.... I'll make a new friend if I have to, if that means saving half off on rent and still being able to move out.
After some good salad making and potato meat dinner my mother made, I went off to Red Robin, to meet Jordan, Ryan, and Phil there for some drinks and half off appeteizers. We were there for a good hour, and then I went back to Jordan's house to wait for everyone to meet up downtown. I left there and met up at Gardella's, but was the only one.... everyone was late (Ryan and Phil being almost an hour late). We grabbed drinks, then walked over to the B.O.B., but I departed from Dana and Karina, two people I haven't seen in awhile, especially Karina. The Wolfpack then went to Pyramid Scheme, which is probably one of the coolest bars ever. Old video games, pinball machines, it's my kind of bar. Not the sex-in-the-city esque club. It was a general feel for a nerdy crowd, and I was plenty happy with that.... Iron Man Pinball? Sold. Returned home but stopped off at Jordan's again to rest for an hour. No, I was not drunk or buzzed, I was perfectly legal to drive. Just got really sleepy on the ride home.
- Ryan got me pretty good after I left Red Robin. That flirtatious waitress can check me off her list -
I did a lot this morning, accomplished a great deal. I got my worksheet for my major out and updated the classes I had, classes I will be taking, and did the math, and with one summer class, I'll graduate on time. I'm happy and very thankful, if not blessed, that everything has worked out with this. My last schedule was more choppy as well, but the classes I am in now are alligned perfectly and I don't even have to start class until 11:30AM. Sleep0in time is guaranteed.
Shelby cut my hair right after lunch, and I'm pleased. Just so sick of washing through what felt like a mop. Kudos to women and their hair. Mike called and wanted to do some COD, and I say to that, why not? After an hour or two of bullet-storming, I cleaned my room and re-arranged it only slightly, making more room available. I can't wait to move out... I've begun looking for room-mate ads rather than find a place to myself.... I'll make a new friend if I have to, if that means saving half off on rent and still being able to move out.
After some good salad making and potato meat dinner my mother made, I went off to Red Robin, to meet Jordan, Ryan, and Phil there for some drinks and half off appeteizers. We were there for a good hour, and then I went back to Jordan's house to wait for everyone to meet up downtown. I left there and met up at Gardella's, but was the only one.... everyone was late (Ryan and Phil being almost an hour late). We grabbed drinks, then walked over to the B.O.B., but I departed from Dana and Karina, two people I haven't seen in awhile, especially Karina. The Wolfpack then went to Pyramid Scheme, which is probably one of the coolest bars ever. Old video games, pinball machines, it's my kind of bar. Not the sex-in-the-city esque club. It was a general feel for a nerdy crowd, and I was plenty happy with that.... Iron Man Pinball? Sold. Returned home but stopped off at Jordan's again to rest for an hour. No, I was not drunk or buzzed, I was perfectly legal to drive. Just got really sleepy on the ride home.
- Ryan got me pretty good after I left Red Robin. That flirtatious waitress can check me off her list -
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Day 140
I failed. Today was COD day. After playing some with my friend Mike, I would soon be in for more.
Thankfully I worked today at 2, and even left my house at 1:00, but after the work shift, and a good hour massage, I was back at home.
I did stop off at the mall after the massage and return a gift, and browse some other stores, Teavana being one of them. Stopped at Michaels to look at frames for some art I need displayed. Everytime I go into Michaels, I keep getting motivated to move out more and more. I plan to do this, probably in the spring. I just need out. Spent six glorious months in Los Angeles, which is so much more expensive.... I can move out.
Returned home and played more COD with Mike online for a good three hours. I'm a guy, I'm single, and it's a week night. Still off of school. Sue me.
- MW3 -
Thankfully I worked today at 2, and even left my house at 1:00, but after the work shift, and a good hour massage, I was back at home.
I did stop off at the mall after the massage and return a gift, and browse some other stores, Teavana being one of them. Stopped at Michaels to look at frames for some art I need displayed. Everytime I go into Michaels, I keep getting motivated to move out more and more. I plan to do this, probably in the spring. I just need out. Spent six glorious months in Los Angeles, which is so much more expensive.... I can move out.
Returned home and played more COD with Mike online for a good three hours. I'm a guy, I'm single, and it's a week night. Still off of school. Sue me.
- MW3 -
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Day 139
I'm really trying to dodge the usual morning routine of a game and breakfast, followed by logging in hours trapped in my room.
Thankfully Jordan called me over today to make me some Reubens. I love a good Reuben sandwich, my favorite being at Rockwell's, though Cracker Barrel did bring some competition to that weeks ago. We hung out at her house and video-skyped Pat, who is still living the dream in the Netherlands. After her house, I met Melissa back at mine, and we hung out before leaving together for a work meeting.
The work meeting was good, and I passed my tour test. After work, I worked out with my buddy Dana. A good hour we put in; 15 minutes of that being fully devoted in the sauna. I've never sweat that much before. Had a protein bar, Melissa picked me up a protein shake, and then Melissa and I returned to my house, to have some spaghetti and watch old films, one being "Modern Times", and the other would have been "Rosemary's Baby" but a slow internet means no movie..... She leaves for Ireland tomorrow, she'll be gone two weeks.... so it was good to spend an eve with her.
And yes, a new phone.... an iPhone 4! I like Droid, I like Google, but the software glitches, bugs, crashes, and issues that happen on a weekly basis have made me go bananas. Another Apple product in the bag.
- Modern Times -
Thankfully Jordan called me over today to make me some Reubens. I love a good Reuben sandwich, my favorite being at Rockwell's, though Cracker Barrel did bring some competition to that weeks ago. We hung out at her house and video-skyped Pat, who is still living the dream in the Netherlands. After her house, I met Melissa back at mine, and we hung out before leaving together for a work meeting.
The work meeting was good, and I passed my tour test. After work, I worked out with my buddy Dana. A good hour we put in; 15 minutes of that being fully devoted in the sauna. I've never sweat that much before. Had a protein bar, Melissa picked me up a protein shake, and then Melissa and I returned to my house, to have some spaghetti and watch old films, one being "Modern Times", and the other would have been "Rosemary's Baby" but a slow internet means no movie..... She leaves for Ireland tomorrow, she'll be gone two weeks.... so it was good to spend an eve with her.
And yes, a new phone.... an iPhone 4! I like Droid, I like Google, but the software glitches, bugs, crashes, and issues that happen on a weekly basis have made me go bananas. Another Apple product in the bag.
- Modern Times -
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Day 138
I've come to enjoy sleeping in. It has been a huge aid in helping this cold deteriorate in me. It also gives me a morning to relax and enjoy the little things.
Having said that, after my own little morning of a break, I had lunch with my friend Jordan. We went up to Ming Ten for some Chinese, and stayed there a good hour. (I can never get sick of Chinese food). After the food spree, we went to Plato's Closet, in the hopes I could find one more pair of jeans. I did, but I didn't buy them yet. I'll wait to sell some clothes and then if they're still there, trade time.
Jordan then picked us up Starbucks, and we went back to her house, and just hung out and talked until I had to go to work. In her room, which is literally like a studio apartment and I'm jealous, is a giant Rorschach painting. I was amazed at how each person will see different things in the art. She and I saw completely different things, and it amazed me how even some are subject to different colors vs. other colors. Left her house, ran to Meijer to get some eggs for her dad's birthday cake, then went on my way to work. Got to work, worked, and was surprised by Melissa who brought me my favorite soup, complete with bread bowl and cilantro. I was very thankful and it made my night.
After work, I went to Mike's, where we played 3 hours of survival missions on COD. Yah....
- Rorschach Painting in Jordan's Room
* Top to bottom, going right, I see a Motorcycle Driver, Wasp, Lady Gaga, A Chinese Birthday Cake, Two Eskimos Racing on Small Horses, Two Unicorns having a bloody battle, 4 Guys wearing Gasmaks while playing Rock Em-Sock Em Robots, And a guy at the beach at night.
Having said that, after my own little morning of a break, I had lunch with my friend Jordan. We went up to Ming Ten for some Chinese, and stayed there a good hour. (I can never get sick of Chinese food). After the food spree, we went to Plato's Closet, in the hopes I could find one more pair of jeans. I did, but I didn't buy them yet. I'll wait to sell some clothes and then if they're still there, trade time.
Jordan then picked us up Starbucks, and we went back to her house, and just hung out and talked until I had to go to work. In her room, which is literally like a studio apartment and I'm jealous, is a giant Rorschach painting. I was amazed at how each person will see different things in the art. She and I saw completely different things, and it amazed me how even some are subject to different colors vs. other colors. Left her house, ran to Meijer to get some eggs for her dad's birthday cake, then went on my way to work. Got to work, worked, and was surprised by Melissa who brought me my favorite soup, complete with bread bowl and cilantro. I was very thankful and it made my night.
After work, I went to Mike's, where we played 3 hours of survival missions on COD. Yah....
- Rorschach Painting in Jordan's Room
* Top to bottom, going right, I see a Motorcycle Driver, Wasp, Lady Gaga, A Chinese Birthday Cake, Two Eskimos Racing on Small Horses, Two Unicorns having a bloody battle, 4 Guys wearing Gasmaks while playing Rock Em-Sock Em Robots, And a guy at the beach at night.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Day 137
Breakfast this morning turned into a lunch with my friend Mike, but not before I was able to shoot off some bullets on COD.
Mike and I had lunch at Costco, which thankfully can still house delicious, cheap food. We stayed there and then went to the mall, only to end up seeing a movie. We saw "The Descendants". I really liked it, just what I expected... Oscar worthy story with the indie-feel. After the film, I was in desperate need of jeans, so I went into Express and bought a pair, thanks to some gift cards.
We went back to my house, and I picked up a pizza for myself and brother. Mike went home, and I stayed at home for some dinner and whatever else a guy can do to kill some time. Later on, Tanya, Melissa, and Jordan, all went over to Mike's for game night. Jordan is back from Texas now... for good.
All of us played some Egyptian Rat Screw, Uno, and Taboo. Fun game night.
I love days off.
- Far Side -
Mike and I had lunch at Costco, which thankfully can still house delicious, cheap food. We stayed there and then went to the mall, only to end up seeing a movie. We saw "The Descendants". I really liked it, just what I expected... Oscar worthy story with the indie-feel. After the film, I was in desperate need of jeans, so I went into Express and bought a pair, thanks to some gift cards.
We went back to my house, and I picked up a pizza for myself and brother. Mike went home, and I stayed at home for some dinner and whatever else a guy can do to kill some time. Later on, Tanya, Melissa, and Jordan, all went over to Mike's for game night. Jordan is back from Texas now... for good.
All of us played some Egyptian Rat Screw, Uno, and Taboo. Fun game night.
I love days off.
- Far Side -
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Day 136
Well I had to work on the first day of the year, but that doesn't stop this guy.
A new year, a new page, a new start. I know in reality, it's simply a date stamp and numbers that makes the difference, but I've committed to a new lifestyle. I tried watching the sermon at work, but the sermon must have been at the very front of the service, because all I could watch was singing.
Stayed at work for most of the day, toughing out my cold and working on projects throughout. When I left work, I went to Melissa's to enjoy some of her mother's chicken chili. Yum. Good medicine for a cold. I hung out there for a while and was instructed on how to play Euchre. I did okay, and no, I won't look for this in a casino now.
After her house we faced icy and windy roads and returned to mine, where we hung out, drank tea, and watched Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights". Gold movie on a golden day of a hopefully golden new year!
- Melissa playing the piano as I drift into sick sleep -
A new year, a new page, a new start. I know in reality, it's simply a date stamp and numbers that makes the difference, but I've committed to a new lifestyle. I tried watching the sermon at work, but the sermon must have been at the very front of the service, because all I could watch was singing.
Stayed at work for most of the day, toughing out my cold and working on projects throughout. When I left work, I went to Melissa's to enjoy some of her mother's chicken chili. Yum. Good medicine for a cold. I hung out there for a while and was instructed on how to play Euchre. I did okay, and no, I won't look for this in a casino now.
After her house we faced icy and windy roads and returned to mine, where we hung out, drank tea, and watched Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights". Gold movie on a golden day of a hopefully golden new year!
- Melissa playing the piano as I drift into sick sleep -
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