Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 129

With little snow on the ground, one could say the usual floor beneath us looks the same. In a matter of an hour, our living room floor was covered in shredded paper, tape, tags, and boxes.

Christmas morning has been so sought after and wished for by young ages, and even some old. For me, this year, I just  still couldn't believe how fast the years have gone. I mean, so fast. It was like yesterday. And now there's a solid 364 days until the next Christmas, and that will come in what will feel like 160 days.

Christmas morning, I was the first to awake, which is the first time ever that's happened. I actually woke up before my siblings. 8:30AM. I couldn't believe it. I had the duty of waking everyone up. I went into my brother's room and started jumping on his bed singing a Sesame Street song that he loathes to death, and his rage of fury was enough to wake him up. My sister has a dog on cocaine, so once the dog was awake, so was she.

Gifts were great, my mother's cinnamon rolls were par over Captain Crunch. I played some COD for the sake of owing newbs on Christmas, and then my grandparents and aunt came over. Hanging out, talking, talking, and then I drove to Melissa's for a brief hour where I had dinner with her family, then came back home and had dinner with mine. Dad make steak, mom made lobster bisque, and so many other good foods and wines. Blessed day. At night, cousins and their significant others came over, and we all played Modnation Racing on my PS3, as well as sat around and just hung out.

In the latter of the evening, I went to Noah's to say hi to him briefly, but was ambushed by all of my friends returning the favor to him as well. I stayed and caught up with Mike, Jordan, Alana, and Tanya, as well as Noah's family and Alana's cousins. Add Dexter with my aunt and grandma again, as well as seeing my friends and its a good night...

- My View of X-mas Morning -

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