Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 119

This is what freedom looks like. Waking up without an alarm, without work, and without school on your mind. This is Christmas break from GVSU, and I thoroughly enjoy this feeling.

I stayed hibernated in my room this morning for a good two hours. I scanned eBay, skyped with Pat, but my favorite highlight was actually getting to play the PS3. If you've been following this, the previous months were littered with time spent on the Sony sucker. Lately, with work and school, I haven't had time to so much as see a movie or turn on Netflix, let alone play a game. I spent the entire day relaxing, having a mini "electronic holiday". I played around on my tablet, updated some iMac software, just did an array of things.

Sucked up so much time that 4:00 came and it was almost time to head to work. I ran and grabbed dinner for me and my brother and we watched the 1960's Batman movie... yes, the really cheesy one where Batman has blue underwear and horns the size of a small kitten, and the Riddler has a huge bulge where his..ahem.... question mark dangles. Yes, this cheesy classic is just what I needed before going off to work. Well, that and Judge Judy. Holy tacky television Batman!

Work was a breeze, trained Anna, the newer girl, and then after work, I was fortunate to catch up with a great friend. Enter Melissa Suchowolec. (I feel I'm friends with a few Melissa's, so last names help distinguish). I've known Melissa for awhile, I think 5-6 years. We went to the same high school, and through the weaving of life, I ended up dating one of her friends, and we would see each other from time to time. Tonight, we got to catch up at B-Dubs. She normally is at Western so hang out time is limited to usually the number of fingers on my right hand in a year. We caught up, but mainly, it was refreshing to just talk to someone who, in my opinion, gets it, get's life, & has a clear head. She's someone who I can talk to without having the politics, drama, emotions, or biases I so often get in life from others. Her and I are nowhere near perfect, but we know where we have to go. We talked about regrets, and how I have none, and the only way to truly have regrets, is to not take risks. People will regret the stuff they haven't done, not the stuff they've done. She's a great girl, I'm glad to be able to have her to talk to when I can, and call her a friend. I feel blessed knowing there's someone else out there who is going through what I am still going through, and we keep our heads up, always moving forward, not looking back, living ahead, until the day you die.

Thanks Melissa. I promise I'm not earning brownie points, this is normal routine for a introduction to the blog.

- Melissa and I -

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