Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 94

3.5 hours of sleep this morning, due to inbred panic that my alarm won't go off, thus my body wakes up every hour making sure it's still on. So, I got up early again and opened the gym. What's good. Nice to see the early morning, the sun not even up, and heaping amounts of coffee. I cleaned the pool quite thoroughly at work. Vacuumed, swept the deck, balanced the chemicals.... other than that, a typical quiet morning it was. I'm amazed at how many people actually come in to work out between 5-6AM.

Arriving home I spent more time playing Batman. Truth be told I was never a Bat-man fan. I mean, I've always liked the films, except Joel Schumacher, who I will never forgive for such a terrible crime. Lately, I've put Batman on the same pedestal I hold Spider-Man on. Who knows, maybe I'll bid farewell to Spider-Man love and solely devote my fanhood to Batman. Thanks to Sony raping Sam Raimi in the butt, what choice am I left with?

Sorry, my nerd is showing. Ahem. Went to school, finished our speeches, (finally), and then took my last Spanish test of the semester, no...year. Over half the class left because the lowest test grade is dropped, so some students wanted to take a zero and just drop the test. I dig Spanish, and I'm doing well, so another good grade that may lower another slightly lower one did me just fine.

Stopped at Verizon on the way home to see if there was anything that could be done about my broken phone screen. There wasn't. The man there was gay, and was hitting on me... I know what you're thinking.... and the answer is yes... I did try to woo him into helping me out... but my wooing failed.
Stopped at Costco, grabbed some dinner, and then on the way home noticed a deer walking into the road. I slowed down to 30mph, and waited for him to run along. As he did, I proceeded to travel, forgetting one very important face.... "Deers travel together". (The next two sentences all happen within a second of real-life-time) Without warning, the corner of my eye caught a huge creature standing by my windshield. I was probably driving 40mph at this point, and I remember the deer ducking his head, making full contact with my bumper, sending a loud thud through the steel frame of my car, and pieces of plastic, glass, and metal all over the street. I was embarrassed... cars around me just saw me stop for a deer, then speed up, only to drive into another deer that was standing to my right. It's as if the deer was like "Hmm... surely he won't hit me... he sees me... wait... he doesn't see me... he's looking at my friend. Uh oh... I should probably duck and maybe try to hide and... too late... here comes his car." Bam! I performed an animal hit-and-run and drove home in mild shock. Filled out a police report, but that did nothing. That was returned to me. I love police. (sarcasm).

Shelby dyed my hair dark brown again, so I'm back to dark hair, although right now it's too dark for my taste, and sometimes looks black. I'll go shower again right now, try to really wash as much out.

Maybe the deer wanted revenge for the crude Far Side comic I posted about them last week. (see previous blog posts from last week). Hmm... justifiable... but this means war.

- Another funny deer comic from Far Side -

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