Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 47

I woke up slightly earlier than usual, only to enjoy more of the morning before work and school would consume my day.

I went to work at 10:00 and did the usual, plus caught up the book I'm reading (Child 44). Not much to say. Work is work. For the sake of saying something specific so I can look back on this and see something I did, today at work I cleaned a lot of the glass, as well as gave a tour to a small Asian man.

After work I prepared for school and went, only to find out my debate class was missing a professor and we just watched a video, a video that only half the class stayed for, and the rest of the class left halfway through when the video froze. The video was about deaf people, and it depressed me. Ended school with Spanish class, and horay for ethnicity!

After class I went over to my friend Ryan's house where he showed me his place, and then the two of us went to Brann's for some beer and pool. I like Brann's, but the 44th street Brann's is a butthole. Its dirty, packed with non-impressive clientel, and the manager kept hitting on me and at one point came up to me while I was playing pool and rubbed my belly. Apparently someone had a "sizzler". Despite the janky atmosphere, me and Ryan caught up and played 3 games of pool. I only won one game. I've known Ryan since the 5th grade, went to school with him for two years at Freedom Baptist. 10 years passed without me ever even hearing about him, until a couple months ago I ran into him at a bar downtown with some other friends. He's a good guy, very giving and funny. Need more beer nights like this.

After Brann's I went over to Melissa's house where she gave me some cool ties she bought me at a thrift store, as well as this kick-A military jacket that looks like it was worn by a 1960's Stalin guard, complete with patches. Need to find a night to wear this. I love it, I love it. Thanks beautiful.

- Hiel! The Red Curtain! -

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