Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 44

Woke up at Mike's house, only to find his room was freezing. Mike and I like sleeping with the windows open, and even thought we closed it midway into the night, that was no help. The room was so cold in the morning my nipples could have torn through the blanket I had over me. It's a flaw in science that I couldn't see my breath.

We went to church and sat in our usual stoop in the balcony, accompanied by Chad and Tanya and Melissa drizzling in. After the service Melissa went home with her family and the rest of us went to Ming Ten, my favorite Chinese buffet in Grand Rapids. I had four plates, so the lunch was much merit to my body.

Afterwords me and Mike returned to his house and played Black Ops for about thirty minutes, then I ran some errands to prep for my party I was having that night. The party was for Dexter. If you've never seen the show, its a must. Winner of 2 Golden Globes, several emmys, and over 100 nominations, it's a genius blend of writing and drama, mixed with the subject of a lovable serial killer. Mike and I, with Tanya's help, turned the entire basement into a kill room. Plastic sheeting, fake blood, table, pictures of the notorious villains, everything. Then came time for the premiere. The first episode was really well done. Excited for the new season, and it runs through January 8. After everyone left, myself, Lauren, Chad and Sam all went to Applebee's to enjoy some extended conversations and friendship.

Ahh yes, finished Hithcock's "Rear Window" when I got home. A truly genius thriller, with the entire film shot out of a man's apartment window, looking through other windows, that tells a story of a man who killed his wife and a wheelchair bound photographer who must prove he's guilty. 

- My homemade killroom, Dexter Premiere -

1 comment:

  1. You forgot about Calebs bday!! HOW DARE YOU!!
    Haha and good movie choice!
