Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 40

For some odd reason, I can't remember if I did anything before lunch yesterday....

I guess not. Peculiar.

In the afternoon, it came time for school, so I headed out to Allendale but when I got there, I parked my car and realized I wanted a different parking spot. I went to start my car , only to find a forbaded finish. My battery was dead. I gave a glance at my "learn self control" card and calmly made some calls, still went to class, but missed my spanish class at night so I could fix my car. My uncle Jim came and we jumped the battery, and realized that my car battery was dead. I drove to his house, and then took their vehicle to Auto Zone where I bough a new battery.

Some dirty hands and cold breaths later, the battery was in, and my car starts like it's a brand new Motor City baby.  Detroit would be proud. (I have a Saturn.... GM). I took my car home and then went to Noah's for a small get together. Mike, Alana, and Melissa were with us, and we drove out to the New Salem Corn Maze, which was 1.) not open to the public and 2.) after hours. We decided it would fun and scary to walk the corn maze, which Noah insisted he knew like the back of his hand...
...apparently Noah is an amputee.

A little over an hour and soggy, soaking wet shoes later, we found our way out. We then ventured into the haunted citadel and woods, where we walked through incredibly well decorated houses, insane asylums, and general stores, all with some of the most realistically looking props and dead people that even Guillermo Del Toro would be impressed. The asylum has crazy people locked in these rooms that you can look through and they're chained to the bed, or some are missing legs. It's very well done. No, this won't make it to art prize, but the amount of work and money spent on making this spectacle look legit and scary is grade A.

- Me in the Funeral Home with a dummy (not that scare) -

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