Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 32

After watching a research presentation in the library about using references, books, and Google, I had to check out. No pun intended.

Today was a mini-holiday. My time away to clear my head, laugh, etc. I checked out out G.R. Needed to leave. At about noon, me and my friend Mike hopped in my dad's car  (traded vehicles so my dad could inspect mine), and we drove for Lansing. Our first stop came to the Tanger outlets, where we hit a couple stores, but my tightly conservative wallet didn't buy anything there. Retail therapy works, but it will bring out another disease.... lack-of-funds virus. Shortly after we left and went into Lansing, where we stopped at a Plato's Closet, center of college town. First off, I was blown away at how many college aged people like myself live here. I didn't see a single elderly, older, or toddler shaped body anywhere. College kids run this town. It was like "Lord of the Flies" except they actually turned out good and created a society, and the fat kid named Piggy never got crushed by a rock here. Drove by the Capitol buildings, got lost a few times, and grabbed lunch at Q'doba, which of course was also college run. If anyone wants to escape to a place where parents are only a photograph, go to W. Lansing.

We drove all the way back on W. River Drive due to some spotty GPS tracking, but realized you can take W. River Drive all the way from Ada straight to Lansing. I dropped Mike off and then went home to pop my pill and rest. After laying on my bed for only thirty minutes, I wanted more. My holiday wasn't ready to come to an end. I called my dad and we went and saw "Drive", an arthouse action film that blends a gentle heart of man into ultra-dark violence and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack. Wasn't bad, new style of cinema for sure.

- Lansing -

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