Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 29

With an entire Saturday off, most Americans would fancy a day on the town, excursions in a forest, bargain shopping at an outlet mall, cleaning out a garage, or spending time with an old friend. Sickness has different plans, and usually results in the following.

Woke up and got my blood tested. I won't get results back until Monday morning, but at least I'll know if I have mono. I left the hospital and went to Melissa's because her mother made some amazing chili. After I warmed my stomach with the spicy healer (it really is, look that up), I went home and sat around the house. Melissa came over and we did an array of activities, including Mario Kart Wii, a lightsaber fight with my brother, punishing the dog for peeing inside, making my own Xing Tea knockoff, eating Goolash (spelling?), and arguing about what movie to watch. Mike came over later on in the evening and we went to Jordan's for a going away party. I got to see my friend Maris who I haven't seen since January, and who I use to work with. We all had some drinks, chatted, and went to Mcdonalds, where I consumed just under 2,000 calories. I was hungry, and the anti-biotics made me feel like a new man the whole day.

Going to bed was great. It was great. Thanks for caring for me. you know who you are.

- My sissy drink -

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