Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 23

10 years ago, my hands put down their drumsticks as my band teacher informed me and the rest of my middle school band class that two planes had just been flown into the World Trade Towers. The first day I saw a face of evil. A decade later, we remember and honor.

Woke up to a new sermon series at my church. I sat in a higher section of the balcony, which was dimly lit and unkempt, but I was still able to perceive the message. After the sermon me and Chad met up with Melissa and Samantha and has a Costco lunch.

After that I went back to Melissa's house where I hung out briefly, before leaving to see the film The Green Lantern with my friend Mike. The film was ok, a definitive  for a little boy's imagination. As stated on the previous blog, I avoided all sugars and sodas today, at the theater and at Costco. My body thanks me.

After the film, I met up with Melissa at Cornerstone University to check out Evensong. Evensong is a Sunday night event that brings a college university band (a la worship team)  together and unites a campus with Christ's love. It's been four years since I've been to this, to it was a time warp for my brain. After the show I went back to my old stomping grounds in Van Osdel, the dormitory I lived in. I walked through every floor, lobby, and lounge, taking in sights, smells, and memories. I became overwhelmed, and sat in a lounge and had a one-on-one with God. My basket of amnesics began to overflow a surging tangent of fervor in my mind. The emoticon capacity is brimming. I was so selfish those years growing up, yet I was so innocent. A child of the culture. I japed myself the entire time. I was blessed, and I never knew it. Until now. I miss that school.

Rob and Alex, two great guys from Cornerstone met me and Melissa at Applebee's tonight, where we were able to catch up, and I was again connoted again that I was blessed. I never had to wander that far off.

- Birthday party, December 2007, Cornerstone pals -

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