Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 19

This morning started with a work day. I tend to like morning shifts, they free up my day, plus I can awaken earlier, eat a healthy breakfast, and catch up on the morning milieu.

After work I went home and spent some brief time there before heading off to school. Debate class was spent discussing W. Bush in a more casual attire at ground zero supporting troops, and whether it displayed a professional or correct image. From an argument and communication standpoint, it would be incorrect for me to blast some students in my class, and call them close minded liberals. I will say, that there is a handful of students in my class that need to learn the difference between pot-shots and political agendas. God bless America (sarcasm).

My Spanish class is really blooming into another garden of literacy and vocabulary. I aced my first quiz so that's a plus (an A+ actually). After class I headed off to my aunt's house to hang out with her, drink some Teavana tea, which I still think is the best tea in the world and have yet to experience a more prominent tea. Melissa joined, and we spent time watching Toddlers & Tiaras, a shallow show that exploits innocent girls being dolled up to look like fake beauties with boobs while overzealous parents spend time and money on making sure this happens. These girls grow up feeling the need and dependency for make up, nice clothes, and attention, and if they don't get it, they feel let down, worthless. This is how a slut is created. Forgive the harshness, but if I grew up with the constant shows, pageants, nice clothes, and access to funding, I would view myself, and other girls differently. I would pursue the beautiful girls on the outside, while the inside remained vile. Its funny, after I watched this show on girls wanting to be pretty and accepted, I watched the South Park episode "Stupid Spoiled Whore Playset", which utterly demolishes any respect Paris Hilton had left standing for her, and the other "spoiled whore" role models little girls are supposed to look up to.

On the topic of beauty, leaving GVSU last night, I saw what was probably the most gorgeous spectacle of a sunset I've ever seen. We're talking complete awe, in all angles, cascading over every inch above my head. The sun had transmuted into a grapefruit colored explosion of smoke that invaded the very air I was breathing. This is what beauty should be. Not some little girl or a female model who have a perfectly curved convex jaw and smooth skin. Not posing for Calvin Klein or Victoria's Secret. It's a beauty that is inside. It's untouched. Thank God for the sky, because if the world turned ugly, if everything on this planet became void and venomous, the sky, the clouds, and the sun would remain with beauty.

- The Sky Last night, GVSU campus. *this picture does not do justice for the real experience, of having this abyss on all directions*.-

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