Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 135

The last day of the year, and what a year it's been. I admit, I've been drained since the spring. Following a break up that I took so personally and chose to not let go of, a storm cloud brewing with close ones I love, good friends departing from my life, and a new school and future that I am uncertain of, it's been rough. Yet, after tonight, it all changes. It starts over, and I will make the most of it.

I slept in, and have caught another cold again. Ironically, I catch it literally two days after my vitamins run out. Hmmm..... could it be? Gavin came over at 1:00, and he wanted to expand his already stunning portfolio, as well as add some pictures of himself to the mix. We shot around my yard for a good hour and a half, taking some new and cool shots. He let me shoot him, which is something I've never done, but I do have an eye for angles, and he liked a handful of shots I took. We grabbed some soup at Byron's China Kitchen, before he returned home, and I had to race home to beat Melissa there, who I would surprise with a nice dinner. That dinner turned out to be Akita Buffet, where I finally got a refill, and the buffet prices were very reasonable. Good food.

Went to Mike's and then Mike drove us to Nate's party, where a neon-glowstick infestation of kids awaited. It was nice seeing some old high school pals I haven't seen in forever, as well as confirming that they haven't died. Caught up with some people, danced a little, just enjoyed the company in the glowing garage. After that, we went to Meijer, I bought wine, then went to Chad's, were we just made it with 15 minutes to watch the ball drop. And that rang it in. A new year. My list of resolutions and commitments will not fault this time. I'm locked in and ready. The party ended early due to a wall cracking because I leaned on it. La Casa de Chadwick was closed down for the night, with a not so happy host and some not so happy attendees.

- New Years -

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